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Tag Archives: dulce

The latest custom order I’ve delivered to New York was such a cool idea from a guy I’ve met and already turned into a toy before. It looks like he liked himself so much as a mini soft version that he came up with this crazy-cool idea for a gift for his nephew that lives in a different country: 7 members of his family as soft toys!

What would be more fun for a kid than to play with his family, literally, every day?

All I need is a picture and I’ll make a toy of of you!


Every time I receive a specific order I meet some challenges for the first time. Almost 99% of the times, some cool solutions comes out of them, something I could have not found if I wasn’t asked for that specific feature.

I feel so lucky that such requests come my way that make me discover new characters in my monstrous garden of possible ideas.

These cute monstrous girls are fresh form the oven!

After making a lot of long leg fellows, some with beanies and some with big beards, I’ve decided it’s time for some girls!

First I’ve made a custom order for Manuela, the fairy looking gymnast and since the next order came with a special request to use a lot of pink, I’ve made these two cute sisters.

Girls are some crazy but oh, so fun!

Most images are not mine but were taken by the photographers present at the event on the 19th and 20th of December at Made in RO Christmas Fair 2015 @ Impact Hub Bucharest.

I had fun exhibiting so many of my monsters and I was pretty proud of my big display.

Thank you for the pictures! Thank you for visiting !

Most of them are available at ROD Carturesti as well.

Such joy to knit small accessories like beanies and scarves for these little Apple Bugs. I’m addicted to doing it already .

These little fellows are around 15cm tall, made of printed cotton and the big eyes are drawn by hand with textile colors.




Am făcut atât de multi copchii că am început să-i împraștii. Pe mulți dintre ei îi găsiți la Cărturești, pe restul întreabă-mă doar și îndată îi primști! Pam Pam!


The latest minies from my oven:

I love this striped fabric that I had in my studio for quite some time and I didn’t know what to do with it. Well, I think it makes out the cutest Dots with Wings and some cool shaped Bunnies.

The softest pink fabric is still something I can’t get enough of.

These ones will arrive at ROD@Cărturești today, too.


Hey peoplez,

I’ve just finished a bunch of new monsters, some MoustaBunnies – as you might suspect they are bunnies with moustaches , and some new Winged Dots, in the next pictures you’ll see just one, the sweetest soft pink with a neon horn !

Soon they’ll arrive at ROD@Cărturești