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Tag Archives: character design

Eupluscatevadin jucariilemele

Ana did it and look how cool this Bearded Long Skinny Legs Hockey Fellow turned out to be! He will definitely rock that EA office!

The latest custom order I’ve delivered to New York was such a cool idea from a guy I’ve met and already turned into a toy before. It looks like he liked himself so much as a mini soft version that he came up with this crazy-cool idea for a gift for his nephew that lives in a different country: 7 members of his family as soft toys!

What would be more fun for a kid than to play with his family, literally, every day?

All I need is a picture and I’ll make a toy of of you!


Târgul de design a fost organizat în Piața Amzei, cu ocazia Street Delivery și a prezentat obiecte create de Studio Mud, De Ceramica, BumbagR, Ploosh, PATZAIKIN, Eyecandy Monsters, Woodlens eyewear, Woodish, EcoSocial Atelier, Moogu Contemporary Jewellery, SKIN DEEP, Square Art Studio, dar și o selecție făcută de Giftshop-ul The Institute.
Printr-un parteneriat semnat cu Administrația Piețelor Sector 1, The Institute va derula anul acesta un program susținut de evenimente și manifestări cultural-artistice și de promovare a antreprenorilor din industrii creative, menit să contribuie la reinventarea și revitalizarea spațiului Pieței Amzei și la reintroducerea acestuia în circuitul urban și în atenția publicului larg.
Toate aceste activități se vor derula sub numele Amzei Market Makers, și în efortul de a-și atinge obiectivele asumate, The Institute se bucură de parteneriatul demarat în 2014 cu ING Bank, prin care sunt încurajate atât antreprenoriatul creativ din România, cât și dezvoltarea urbană cu ajutorul energiei și resurselor industriilor culturale și creative.

Sursa fotografii : The Institute  si fotografii personale

This is the short story of the latest project I’ve worked on, part of a cool gift ReloadFilm offered to Fibra Jury on their day off.

After flying them around Romania in two helicopters, sightseeing and enjoying some good food, driving in old Volga cars and an old Militia car, I’ve met them at the Baneasa Airport just right after they got back.

I was so happy to see them really excited about these mini versions of each, some monstrous-cute little creatures that resembled each of them in a certain way.

I started receiving few orders before to work on a certain person and make a monstrous version of them but this time I wanted to try something new.

First I had researched the mighty internet for more pictures of them since on Fibra site they were presented in black and white and some of the pictures were not so descriptive as I needed. Of course, nobody needed to see all hairs on their faces as I did.

I was happy to find out that Wendy had pink hair ( not anymore when she arrived here but she said she will again pretty soon 🙂  ) and that I could use this detail that I usually like a lot.

I’m sorry that Evgeny didn’t come up in my research with his blonde beard but still, the Evgeny-toy was one of my favorite, even if it was a beardless version of him that would have been accurate some years ago.

Also the two lovely funny ladies Radenka and Olivia, at first , as you can see in my original sketch, I had not found the right solution for their hair. I’ve finished them last and now I’m in love with them, as toys :). I also plan to make more toys with that type of hair. I have endless possibilities there, I can create any kind of hairstyle!!

I’ve chose to use some simpler solutions that worked out perfectly in this case. I’ve ended up creating  a group of 9 characters that had the same shape but different eye size and color, different hair styles and different mouth expressions.

I felt so happy too see each of them recognizing himself into the toy! It was such a monstrous joy!!


Every time I receive a specific order I meet some challenges for the first time. Almost 99% of the times, some cool solutions comes out of them, something I could have not found if I wasn’t asked for that specific feature.

I feel so lucky that such requests come my way that make me discover new characters in my monstrous garden of possible ideas.

These cute monstrous girls are fresh form the oven!

After making a lot of long leg fellows, some with beanies and some with big beards, I’ve decided it’s time for some girls!

First I’ve made a custom order for Manuela, the fairy looking gymnast and since the next order came with a special request to use a lot of pink, I’ve made these two cute sisters.

Girls are some crazy but oh, so fun!

The latest order I’ve received was so fun for me to work on. I had to experiment with new solutions and I had to work having in mind two characters I know for a long time.

These two characters I have to make were presents for a couple of father and daughter, Manuel and Manuela – the fairy-red-hair-gymnast.

Her mother ordered the two characters that were supposed to look a bit like the real characters but they still had be toys that are first of all  fun toys, keeping just few characteristics of the real person.

Here they are, Manuel and Manuela, father and daughter.


Most images are not mine but were taken by the photographers present at the event on the 19th and 20th of December at Made in RO Christmas Fair 2015 @ Impact Hub Bucharest.

I had fun exhibiting so many of my monsters and I was pretty proud of my big display.

Thank you for the pictures! Thank you for visiting !